3 Steps to Eating Mindfully

Get this free download and experience a calmer mind, calmer digestion and be more in the present moment.
Although research shows that eating more mindfully improves our digestion and ability to handle stress, this isn’t convincing enough for most of us to slow down.
If there’s anything that the corona virus in 2020 taught us, it’s that there are great benefits to slowing down, to appreciating what we have and to savouring the moment. That goes with food too. It’s not only about WHAT we eat, but also HOW we eat.
Society drives us to achieve so many things, that we speed everything up. Eating, communicating are all faster, but not better.
Eating quickly may contribute to your bloating, dysbiosis, irritability, gas and high stress levels. Don’t believe me? Just try it yourself.
I created this guide to give you some easy steps to eating mindfully. Let me challenge you to eat mindfully at every meal for a week. #mymindfuleatingweek
Try it. Let us know what you think! Invite your friends to join you as we get more done together.