Functional testing


We sometimes recommend that you have some Functional Medicine tests done and it is always up to you; you are in control of your own health and finances. Aside from the tests we may get you to request from your doctor, you may have to pay for the tests yourself in the Netherlands.

Laboratory testing

Costs depend on test, but range from ~€35-500 (a kit is sent to your home). You approve all costs before anything is ordered so there are never any surprises.

These tests include:

  • Hormone testing (DUTCH)
  • Stool analysis
  • Nutrient status (hair mineral analysis or other)
  • Blood tests (sometimes these are available from your doctor, such as vitamin D, B12 etc)
  • Pyroluria
  • Neurotransmitters
  • Many more are possible

Anthropometric testing

These may be done in our clinic or at your home and have €0 cost

This may include:

  • Stomach acid levels
  • Thyroid
  • Weight and other anthropometric measurements
  • Vitamin C tolerance