Happiness Health

Sugar kills your sex life

Are you a secret sugar addict? I must confess I alsocrave a lot of sugary foods…chocolate in particular is my weakness. Since attempting to really reduce the amount of added sugar I’m eating, I feel much better physically, although I crave it even more! I would normally eat a whole bar of chocolate in one sitting because I felt down…

Happiness Health

Why nutritional therapy makes a difference

[:en] What is nutritional therapy? Nutritional Therapy is a science-based, yet holistic approach to nutritional counselling. It is rooted in the conviction that food, as Nature intended, is a form of medicine that can heal, protect, nurture and support good health. Our bodies are amazingly capable of restoring balance when given the proper raw materials. It is both a system…

Happiness Health

Why Insomnia Makes me a Better Therapist

8 Steps to Cure Your Insomnia For years I have suffered with insomnia. Many sleepless nights, or nights of lying awake for hours, just to fall asleep a half an hour before the alarm was due to go off. When I was a toddler, my mother would sneak upstairs to check on me while I was sleeping. Having been such…

Happiness Health

Is gluten damaging your brain?

You may have heard about the damaging effects of gluten on your gut if you have coeliac disease or even an intolerance to gluten, but have you heard that it can also affect your brain and contribute to health conditions such as depression, anxiety, OCD, schizophrenia and more? Symptoms of gluten sensitivity You feel bloated after you eat grains Eating…

Happiness Health

The 5 best reasons to become a fermentation guru

…or a fermenting novice at least When I first moved to Amsterdam, I felt a certain freedom that I didn’t have in London. There was more space, I had a balcony, and after a short while I got a garden plot at I can change the world with my two hands. This meant that I could get into gardening and…