Happiness Health

Digestion/Happiness Health

What is SIBO and…Do I Have it?!

Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) occurs when there is an increase in the number of bacteria in the small intestine — especially when it includes species of bacteria not commonly found in that part of the digestive tract. Most of the bacteria in our guts is found in the large intestine, the colon. We don’t often have a lot in…

Happiness Health

I Failed, But Learned This From my Failure

Although I’m not really into journalling, I see the value in it and do my own version of it by keeping an agenda and setting intentions, or goals, each month. But as I look back over my intentions from the beginning of the month…I see that I FAILED in reaching my goal. That’s soul crushing, right? It kinda makes me…

Happiness Health

The (un)Expected Wins!

Recently, I was talking to a client and I asked her to think about what she wanted to get out of the next month of the programme. But instead of talking about that, she couldn’t stop telling me about all the WINS, the things that have improved, since we started working together. She was literally bursting with enthusiasm! This is…

Happiness Health

Why I’m Helping 500 Women This Year

A few days ago, I had a call with a woman who asked me to help her, but I had to turn her down. We had a great conversation. We had a very open, honest chat, and we connected. She told me about her health goals and we talked about them in detail. She was exhausted, fatigued and drained. Her…

Happiness Health

This Quote Motivates me Daily

All on my own One of the toughest thing about being an entrepreneur is staying motivated, when you are always on your own. Maybe I should qualify that, as an ambivert, I find it tough not having colleagues next to me. It just means that I need to find ways to plan the year, the quarter, the week on my…

Happiness Health

Why I Can’t Live Without Connection to My People

After the last couple of years, living through a pandemic, you might agree that the isolation has not been good for most people. For someone living with anxiety, it can be tempting to avoid people and leaving the house (aka triggers). In reality, although you avoid certain triggers, you miss out on one very important thing for your mental health….