Although I’m not really into journalling, I see the value in it and do my own version of it by keeping an agenda and setting intentions, or goals, each month.
But as I look back over my intentions from the beginning of the month…I see that I FAILED in reaching my goal.
That’s soul crushing, right? It kinda makes me want to give up on that goal I had set for myself (arghhhhhh!). But as with everything in life, I decided to sit in that moment of frustration and pain.
Why engage with pain?!
A long time ago, I learned that when you run from pain, the damn thing just follows you around…have you noticed?! So now, I have learned to sit with it, and this is what I get out of doing that:
- I reflect on it and see what I can discover about myself
- It’s a moment to reconnect with what my values are and then it becomes clear how closely the goal was to my values…it never works to be in conflict
- The pain is immediately lessened when I turn my attention to it
- Where I went wrong becomes apparent, which is important to see yourself if you want to grow
This is what I discovered
- When I set my goal it was out of desperation – a need, driven by financial necessity – not out of love for my work
- There was no accountability piece…I didn’t ask anyone in my accountability group to check in with me on the different steps, because…
- I didn’t break it down into small, bite-sized, easy-to-accomplish steps
Next month will be different
This week I’m setting new goals and am posting all the steps in my journal. Then, in Monday’s accountability call, I’m going to let my group know and ask them to check in with me at different stages.
I hold my clients accountable so they succeed, and I want that for you too.

My name is Joyce Bergsma and I teach my clients how to understand their bodies and nourish them in the best way possible. I help them on the journey to be symptom free so they are living happier, more fulfilling lives.
But what I ALSO do is act as a cheerleader, a navigator and I hold them accountable.
Book a call TODAY! I’ll help you find freedom in your life.