What is Epigenetics?!!

Happiness Health

What is Epigenetics?!!

Epigenetics and Neuroepigenetics

How epigenetics transforms us

We all know that our genes play a role in who we are, what colour our hair and eyes are and whether we are artistic or sporty. What is really important though, is how those genes present themselves. That is epigenetics.

Genes can be turned off, on, cranked up or toned down depending on our environment (diet, toxins and other environmental factors). Don’t forget that our gut flora also is part of our external environment!

Here’s a simple explanation:

Using a holistic, Functional Medicine approach, it is possible to influence epigenetics. For more information about what that means, check this review and this one as well.

For a detailed case study from the Institute for Functional Medicine, click here and see how the health of a baby may be influenced by the mother during development.


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