The Top 5 Reasons to Make Ginger a Part of Your Daily Life
What is Ginger? Ginger is a herb that has underground stems and roots, called rhizomes. The root is the part of the plant that is eaten and its skin can vary from brown to yellow, white or red, depending on the variety. The one we commonly use in Europe and North America has a light brown skin. Under the Spotlight…
Broccoli Takes a Bat at Breast Cancer
What is Broccoli? Broccoli is part of the cruciferous (cabbage) family of vegetables. The most common type you see in the UK and the United States is the Calabrese, or Italian green. When speaking about broccoli, we include broccolini, which is a mix of broccoli and kale; the broccoflower, which is a mix of broccoli and cauliflower, and broccoli sprouts when we talk about…
Two Peas in a Pod
[When you have two people that are similar, we say, “Those two are just like two peas in a pod!”. I have that with my BFF and I’d like to think that a lot of the vegetables we’re talking about are also very similar to each other. Some good examples include turmeric and ginger, which both have strong anti-inflammatory properties….
Movement for Mood
With my work in movement and exercise, I hear this type of comment a lot: “I feel so good after training” ” I feel so much better on the day I come to bootcamp” “I’m so glad I came to the session” Benefits beyond the body The benefits of training and movement can help so much in terms of your…
Coriander: You Love it or You Hate it
What is Coriander? Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is both a herb and a spice (as both leaves and seeds are used) that causesmuch contention. If you come from the US, you may call the leaves cilantro and the seeds coriander, but in Europe, the entire plantis called coriander. The seeds tend to taste fragrantly of sage and citrus peel, while the…
Join Our Recipe Challenge!
Looking for some cooking inspiration? Feeling motivated and creative? Or maybe you’re already a confirmed foodie and want to share your love of food while learning about the benefits. You are in the right place! Recipe Challenge Each month we are going to be making a video of a recipe submitted by one of our followers. You can find inspiration from the…
The Best Kombucha Recipe in Amsterdam
For the Love of Kombucha A few weeks ago, my good friend Lorna, from Wilson’s Workouts asked me to write a post for her blog about kombucha. I love that she asked me to do this as our friendship sort of evolved around kombucha! When I first arrived in Amsterdam years ago, I joined a Dutch class straight away and Lorna…
Exercise vs Chocolate: a stand-off in the fight for happiness
Have you ever wondered why exercise is so important for your health? A new cure for depression? Let’s consider our mental health. Have you ever experienced anxiety, schizophrenia, depression, trauma or ADHD? These are some of the most common mental illnesses which we come across today. Constant rushing around and dealing with the problems of everyday life may make you…
Detoxify and Boost Your Energy
Try this detox smoothie This smoothie is sweet and fresh and is a good liver detox! We were looking for a delicious snack between breakfast and lunch and this really hit the spot. It also looks really beautiful with the little red flecks running through it. See below for the full list of ingredients. Detoxification occurs in your liver, but…